R.I.P. Utah Phillips

He was an historian, activist, philosopher, hobo, tramp, and just about everything in between. His work with Ani Defranco garnered him a Grammy Nom and he hosted his weekly radio show (Loafer’s Glory) where he shared his eclectic and incredibly entertaining views, folksy singing and story telling (does anyone remember “Moose Turd Pie?”)

Very sad to see him go…

Sorry to hear that. He was a great story teller.
You can still occasionally hear “Moose Turd Pie” at kfat.com. :flower
I know he retired to Nevada City, California not far from the annual Fathers Day Grass Valley Bluegrass Festival. :cheers

You can get some of his CD’s at The Utah Phillips web site. :thumbsup

And here you can download or listen to Moose Turd Pie

It’s been a long hard road for a man who I am honored to call friend. Farewell you old tramp and raconteur, you’ve finally hopped that final freight for gloryland.

Indy Media obit here

Thanks for the heads up :flower

Utah Phillips was an amazing man. He leaves us a great legacy. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to hear him at Folks Festival. Thank you, Planet Bluegrass.

Read the letter from Utah on the kvmr website



What LuAnna said…I only saw Utah a few times, and the word that
makes me think of him most is…backporch!! Clearly among the most
laid-back of artists and that master storyteller giving anecdotes you
just could not find anywhere else.

RIP, Utah, and thank you for everything!

We’ll hold him in our hearts indeed. A great storyteller and human being.

If anyone has any details of the memorial service this Sunday in the sierras, I’d love to attend and pay my respects, as I happen to be in the area for work right now. Do you know if it’s open to the public?


:wave Hi Amanda

Keep an eye on The Utah Phillips web site for details on the services and memorial.

I’ll also be playing a fair amount of Utah’s vinyl, including Moose turd pie, on KWMR.org this evening (May 27th) between 6:40 qnd 8:30 pm. Many of us will also be chattting online in Telluride Tom’s chat space


Hi Jerry :wave

Thanks for the info. Sorry to have missed your show this evening, as I was sitting outside working. I need to remember to listen more often. :cheers

A public memorial service for U. Utah Phillips will be held this Sunday,
10am to noon, at the Nevada City Little League Park in Pioneer Park near
downtown Nevada City. Utah loved going to games there.

More information on the memorial (and a link to a map) is at kvmr.org

We also have Utah’s final letter to his friends, the family’s official
news release and some of the obituaries linked there.

We will let you know of any other developments as soon as possible.

In love and solidarity,

Steve Baker
Program Director, KVMR