Question from a First Timer - How Fast do Tickets Sell Out?

Hi, I was unsuccessful with the lottery, so I’ll try to grab two 4 day tickets and two Ilium camping passes on Thursday when things go on sale. I was just wondering if tickets/camping passes sell out immediately, in a matter of a minute or two, or is the ticket purchase process less intense? Thanks, and hope to see you there!

I suggest getting on-line as soon as they go on sale, as they can go fast sometimes, especially if you need a vehicle pass for your camper. :thumbsup

Grab your festival tickets first, Ilium camping sells out last, as it is furthest from the festival.
We camped at Ilium in 2016 for TBF, and paid the extra $65 for our truck, so we could have it at our campsite.
It was nice to be able to keep our instruments out of the elements, as Ilium is very close to a large river, and the morning dew is stout.