Preventing altitude sickness

I can’t have potassium because of my almost Kidney failure… Any thing else work?

Hi Debbie,

I’m assuming you’d google it and take the best of…

Here’s a site that lists 8 tips including K-rich foods and prescription meds:

An old hiking tip to increase O2 intake is to periodically take “deepish” breaths, breathe out thru pursed lips, creating back pressure in the lungs which is supposed to enhance O2 exchange in the lungs. Some think it works, some think it’s BS- it either worked or had the placebo effect on me, making me think it worked.

If you hyperventilate, you’ve gone too far… :wave

Well you could not drink! If you do that and don’t run around too much handing out tickets you should be great! Bananas and oranges!

ginger. Ginger ale, ginger snaps, ginger beer, cystallized ginger. Seems like there was a thread about this a few years ago.

here’s a pretty good basic primer:

or try this one:

Hope they help


On a related note re: “acclimation” (contained in one of Hippie’s links), it might be worth seeing how your body responds & feels at different “tiers”.

I’m certainly not an expert, but I’ve heard Telluride might be just below the cusp of one such “tier” of 10k feet - where a lot of people start experiencing adverse effects … especially if there are any pre-existing health conditions (which might lower the threshold of said “tier”).

I’ve lived in Ophir the past 10 years - which is very close to 10k’ & have wondered if some of my health issues have been exacerbated by the slight increase from Telluride (8,750) where I had lived 10 years prior. Have likewise wondered if Placerville (7,300) might be more gentle & have considered moving in that direction to see how things work out. At least one local doc I’ve spoken with has given some credence to 1-2k feet possibly making a big difference between 7-10k feet.

As to how this might apply to a week in the area for TBF, consider possibly:

  • “work your way up” (from Cortez/Montrose) over the course of a couple few days

  • or, maybe “start high & work your way down”: camp out @ Alta Lakes for first 2-3 nights, then move to Town Park (might be necessary to start in Cortez/TP on night one if it’s too much of a “shock” to up at Alta Lakes first off).

  • and/or, consider camping at Mary E. … which is probably about 500-1000 feet less than Telluride.

It might also help to obtain a fingertip pulse oximetry device which could provide quantitative data as to how your body responds with respect to oxygen saturation at various altitudes.

I’m sure someone with real training in altitude medicine could provide you with much better insights re: some of the stuff I’ve outlined above … which is purely a layperson’s take who might have too much rope. In any case, best of luck & hope your body cooperates!

Beet juice & Garlic according to backpacker