Pre Festival Activities???

Howdy all,

My wife and I will be making the journey from Tulsa Oklahoma. We’re camping at Ilium, and arriving Saturday or Sunday before the festival. At least one day we plan on doing some extensive bicycling in the area, probably riding to Ouray or Ridgeway one day.
We’ve been to the area before, but never for the festival, and never for an extended period of time. Does anyone have suggestions for pre-festival activities on Sunday through Wednesday? Scenic spots, good eats (preferably local organic), pre-fest get togethers, and of course music!!

Thanks all!

Here’s a list of some of the things that normally go on during the week prior to the festival.
Some may need updates by those volunteers that hosted them in the past:

Sunday – 3:00PM (or so) – Goddess Walkabout – Camp Get Enough

Sunday - free day - With games and such throughout the day, including
Frisbee Golf, Washers, and cross country Croquet, continuing during the week as well.

Sunday – 11:00PM - New Year’s Eve Party - Camp Cascadia (next to Tiki Bar)

Monday - 10:30AM - Bloody Mary Morning by the central bathrooms/showers.
Bring your own cup or glass.

Monday - 12Noon - Rumball preparation party at the MASH tent site.
Bring some fruit or booze to contribute (fruit cocktail will work
as will fresh melon, strawberries, etc.) Note: Please no grapefruit,
it doesn’t go well with many heart/blood pressure medications!

Monday - 3PM - Smugglers birthday bash begins.
Smugglers Brewpub – Corner of San Juan and Pine.
Some may be there earlier, some later, but you can bet
that again we will be heard all the way to Town Park!
It’s a birthday celebration for everyone that has a birthday
in 2017! At 5:00PM we will raise our glasses in a toast to
all those that cannot be there.

Tuesday - 12PM - Homebrew beer-fest by the central bathrooms.
Bring a keg/growler of your homebrew/microbrew for tasting. Pot luck appetizers –
If you don’t have any beer, bring an appetizer to share.

Tuesday - 2PM – 5th annual Neil Young Set – Tiki Bar

Wednesday – 9:00AM – Town Park Bacon Fry – All camps fry up some bacon
so the smell will waft away into town.

Wednesday – 12PM – Annual Town Park Cup – Location TBA.

Wednesday – 2PM – 4th ANNUAL Grateful Dead Set – Tiki Bar

Wednesday - about 4PM - Rumballs at the MASH tent site with the mayors official festival kick-off.

Wednesday - about 6PM - Pot Luck at Camp Billy/Arizona Bowl.

Very nice! Thanks, exactly what I was looking for!

At what point does Town Park go on lockdown (aka, becomes inaccessible to those without wristbands)?

Wednesday morningish. I think Warner landrush is the line of demarcation.

Town Park is open to all until Thursday morning. If you make it into camp, make sure to find your way to Camp Run a Muck. We host all kinds of good events during the prefest including a singer songwriter performance, a band or two, and several good parties. He’ll, even if we aren’t hosting anything, we’ll get you a shot of Crunchy Frog and show you a good time.

It’s my wife’s 40th birthday week too, her’s is on the Solstice. So we’ll for sure join the Birthday Party celebration!! If I get around to brewing some beer I’ll bring some, otherwise we’ll fill a few local breweries growlers and bring them. Anyone have suggestions for intermediate level mtn biking trails? Also any suggestions on a great breakfast spot?

I stand corrected!

This year is my year of branching out; we’ll be getting into town on Tuesday afternoon instead of Wednesday this year, so I hope to mosey on over and meet some of you camping folk. :wave

Arriving Tuesday this time Hurrah, it is getting closer…we are still wandering around in swimsuits and my objective is to avoid jumpers ( sweaters) for as long as I can …bring on the next summer.

I guess everyone knows this is the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love? I reckon Town Park needs a suitable event to honour the hippies this year!

Peace and love :festivarian :festivarian :rock :flower :flower