I was thinking last year that a kickball game might be a lot of fun during pre-fest. I’ll be bringing a kickball set (bases, kickballs) up but wanted to put out some feelers on if anyone might be interested. Would you join a kickball team? Could you put together your own kickball team? Any preferences on days / times / location / rules?
interested, plus 1! Probably don’t know the rules well enough to head up a team though.
I’ll play, but this is where old men’s hamstrings go to get pulled. I’ve got about half a squad. What day you thinking?
-Camp Gnome Gname
I’ll play as long as I’m competing against Nate
This is a great idea! If we were there for pre fest this year we’d be totally down. Until Monday or Tuesday you could probably play on the field in the festival grounds were the ports johns are located. They have quite a few scheduled softball games at Warner field through Tuesday.
Loving the interest here! I like @ToddG’s idea of playing on the baseball field, I wasn’t what day the softball games started. I’m tentatively planning for Sunday / Monday for now. My back up plan for location would be out in Town Park Field, before they put the fences up.
I’ve got a couple kickballs and bases to bring - and anyone is free to borrow them for any other day as well. I’ll have a sign up in camp once details are a little more firm, you can find us at Camp Porky Pig.
Can’t wait to play!
I’d love to play! Won’t be arriving until Tuesday evening though