Planet Bluegrass TBF Update 3PM MST

Dear Festivarians,

With our first 2020 festival still 3 months away, we have not currently made any changes to our festival schedule - except to plan for the most hygienic events ever! In the event that local authorities encourage us to postpone or cancel any of our events, we will offer a full refund on all tickets. We’ll be in touch with an update if this is the case. In the meantime, stay safe, practice social distancing, and take care of each other. We will update you in a few weeks as we learn new information.

The Folks on Planet Bluegrass

Thank you for the information. By then all of us will NEED a good festival. We will hope,we will hope.

Thank you

Sending much love to the PB crew and festivarian family.

Facts Not Fear.

Clean Hands.

Open Hearts.
