Picking in Pines thread?

First, how come I cant find that thread?? Second, I guess we will probaby not be making it… We just had to rush my grandmother to the hospital, sounds suspiciously like an appendictis- not good for an 87 yr old… Who knows??? Anyway, say some good thoughts.

Did you look in the Four Corners Region of the forum?

Hope your grandmother will be OK. :flower

Thanks Tom…

Things don’t look as bad as yesterday- maybe just some diverticulitis and some bruised ribs.

BTW, Is there anyone here that is an administrator at something like an Assisted Living community- need some advice

what do you need to know? i may have your answer . . . :slight_smile: hope she’s doing ok . . .

HI Sarah- There was an incident Sunday night w/ my grandmother and an aide. The aide apparently pushed Grandma into/onto the bed. The facility did take action immediately and aide was fired… BUT, we discovered yesterday that along with the diverticulitis she has bruised ribs , must be from the push. I am still a tually comfortable with the facility and still think it is the best of the alternatives…But, I’m wondering what my next course of action should be and I was wondering from an administration POV what is normally done further in these type of situations…

Contact your local Ombudsman Office, usually with the Department of Health and Human Services. They have the answrs you are looking for and usually a crack Legal Department that can handle any and all Elder Abuse claims.

Auntie Hope

You need to contact APS - Adult Protective Services in Tucson. Here is their contact info:
3131 N Country Club Rd # 206
Tucson, AZ 85716
(520) 881-4066


Thanks Jess and Hope… Wish me luck, I’m gonna need to be sitting at the director’s door in the morning and getting all my “redhead” up… She was forgotten today for about 5 hours and yes, she was just released from hospital last night…

So sorry to hear this … Give them some grief today. Best of luck!