Anyone know what arrangements have been made for people who are driving to the festival, camping, but not with a campsite vehicle permit? The Planet website says that we will be directed to nearby parking, but per the Telluride town websites the only overnight parking is in the new underground garage near Baked in Telluride for $50/night or in Mountain Village for $25/night.
I really hope that we get free parking at Carhenge.
My semi-educated guess is that it’s business as usual this year for parking. I’d like to think that the Planet would have informed us if there is a change from the standard that’s been in place for at least as long as I’ve been attending (9 years). Early arrivals get no-charge parking along the road, then carhenge, then MV.
I called PB a few weeks ago asking about this and didn’t get a specific answer as to where they’ll be parking us but was told there wasn’t going to be a need for Mountain Village parking, and likely parking would either be at carhenge or along the road to the waterfall.
A lot has changed since then but they were definitely working on the plan so I’m sure they have a space for us.