Parking for Lawson Hill

How close is the parking for the Lawson Hill tent camping? We are starting to plan out packing our gear and getting gear to/from our car. Thanks for whatever guidance or suggestions people can provide.

~500 yards up hill. Volunteers will take care of you. Car access down the hill to ball field is controlled by the volunteers. You will be allowed to drive down, unload your gear in a pile near the backstop then take your car to the lot on top of the hill. Reverse order on load out. I think there are community wheelbarrows to cart your gear from the backstop pile to your choice spot in the outfield. Rember your landmarks so you find your tent when come back after the last set on Mainstage or after Late night. Ball field looks different at night when filled with late arrivals. < Six weeks!


Depends when you get there.

We arrived early Thursday afternoon last year. Lot was full. We had to park up at Mountain Village after load-in, then get shuttled back. It was a little hectic as Telluride BG noobs traveling with a 7yo. It was about a 15-20 minute walk back to our car. We did it once or twice.

TBH, Lawson felt a little oversold. We’ll be back again this year, but our gear will be packed a little more strategically. :slight_smile:

shout out to all my lawson buddies! The trick is to get there Tuesday morning & make your claim :slight_smile:

Thanks for the suggestion. We will plan on being there Tuesday am. We will be the two people who look like they have no clue what they are doing (but bring lots of tasty beverages :thumbsup)

TBF noob here, so just want to clarify:

You can still drive to the backstop all days? I ask because we are only going to the show on Friday and Saturday so will be arriving Thursday and leaving Sunday.

Thanks a bunch for any insight!

There are shuttle buses that will take you to the festival grounds. You cannot drive into town during the festival without a barricade pass.

Yup, I understand that part, thanks!
I was referring to the car access at Lawson Hill in particular. Im seeking confirmation that on Thursday afternoon one will still be able to drive in to the “backstop” (which I suspect is at the edge of the camping area) to unload. And then on Sunday morning one can pull in that far for packing back up.
