It’s that time of year! Pull out your gear!
Dust off that tent, air out that scent.
Make sure it’s in working order, there’s no time for disorder.
Set it up in the den, “The parts are all here!” AMEN!!
Set it up in the yard, where the ground is thawed and not too hard.
Set it up on the walk, where you neighbors will stop and gawk.
Set it up in any space! Please remember, leave no trace.
Take a photo and post it here, where your festi-friends can toast and cheer.
Post for festivarians, post with pride.
We’ll see you soon in Telluride!


This barely fit in my living room…

Hey, what’s Flat Ron doing in there?? And why is he wearing my pants?! :eek

Here’s mine. It’s been in my dining room for a couple weeks now. I think it’s blocking some emergency exits so I’ll probably get fined if the inspection people see this.

I dig that red velour chair, McLovin. :lol

I just wanna know if the Red Velvet will be making it’s way to Telluride??? Soooooo Vegas Baby!

It’s a totally awesome chair (and matching foot rest) that I got at an antique store. I refer to it as “The Throne Chair” since I am king of my castle (and it only inhabitant). It will NOT be coming to TBF however, because it’s not an outdoor piece of furniture and not just anyone can sit in it. People wanting to sit in The Throne must provide me with a full resume and after that maybe you’ll qualify but you probably won’t.

It’s good to be king.

But my tent is cool, huh???

Do you have to wear the Burger King Crown when you sit in it??? Somehow, that’s how I see it in my mind! :woohoo

Did someone just say “totally awesome”?? :rolleyes


f e s t i v a l

Hmmmm…it’s starting to make sense now. I remember seeing a website dedicated to a special red chair…now we know what Hooch does with all his time. :evil

I have a crown!!! and a velvet cape - I’ll have to find it.

We set our tent(s) up in our backyard two weeks ago…and good thing we did. We got a free tent from Marlborlo last year and I was ready to take this one to CO., however, after inflating our air mattress, we quickly realized that we wouldn’t be able to fit in addition to the air matress, therefore, we’ll have to take our bigger tent. Cant’ wait! It’s finally “right around the corner”

HEY! There’s no tarp under that tent!!

:wave Ok… Here is our tent from many years prior.

                                      This year we will be bringing a larger tent!

Hey! Where’s all them tents??? I know you’re out there!

I know the Tiki Bar has photos from their weekend in Ramah.

I expect many of our festi-friends will be camping over Memorial Day… remember to take photos and post here, guys!

:sunshine Today I set up the tent and make sure we are all squared up!!!
This will be fun :medal I have got my pile in the entry way and I’m almost ready to rock…

Where the birds are singin’ and the the sun is always shinin’

                  just for you and me :fish :sunshine