Once there was a fan.......

That be me! I am excited and nervous all in one.In 2 days I will be making the longest adventurous trip to see music I have ever undertaken. From UK to Bonnaroo and 'Roo to Telluride to see 3 bands very dear to me. I am pleased to be able to share them with you too as they are no longer are “secret” over in the East here! The warm reception from all you Fesativarians has really enthused me to this unique trip which I have no doubt will be the first of many pilgramages!
I have just about finished a hectic fortnight of putting gigs on over here in the Isle of Man (25 in 14 days!)plus get up at 5am to go deliver the post! (not for the hell of it,cos I have to!)
Sorry I have not been able to reply to many posts simply due little time to be able to. Still its unlikely I will get any rest when I get Stateside but lifes too short to treat it as a rehearsal!
Thanks for all the helpful advice. Thanks too for pitching in and helping secure tickets which it is good to also be able to pass good vibes on to others.
Right I have soooooooooo much to do in less than 48 hours. I will endeavour to update you on my progress as I leave this little Isle.Here is a pic from the beginning of the week (will be hard to leave it and the cat for such a long memorable and life changing while!)
See you very soon
As we like to say never too often…
Traa feailley!!!

Save travels.

See you soon. :cheers

Can’t wait to meet you in Town Park. :cheers

Be prepared for schorching heat in Tennessee!! Have fun at Bonnaroo and overall safe travels!

Contact me about your camping gear, please! Need to know what you have/are bringing with you!

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

Just emailed you

Finally back and in one piece folks.Well been back a littl while but arrived back 2 hours before band for KTTunstall gig arrived so it all went very sweetly.Incredibly having driven ALL night straight after the Swell Season set and catching a flight to Chicago en route to UK, I bumped in to Glen and Co as he recognised a tall guy in a Triskel tshirt(still from night before!) looking like crap at the airport!They said hi. I blubbed was a great show Sunday and they went off to do the same again at Glastonbury!


Lenny it was a pleasure meeting you. YOu made a great landmark in a sea of festivarians. On more than one occasion I made it back to the tarp because I could see your smiling face above so many others. :thumbsup
Keep smilin’ that great big smile; it fits you so well.
Cindy Lou

Apologies I had written lots of things that had come to mind that I remember from the fest that really made it for me but by time I inputted it had timed out! Doh!
Here is the festival from my view. Not uploaded the Frames/Swell Season pics yet
Oh and Cindy Lou-that tape you kindly did of Frames was blank! Didnt find it on another tape by chance?

Photo link

What a nice bunch of photos - - - Succintly describing the TBF experince in a few pics. Leave it to a festivirgin to capture the moments so completely. It was real pleasure hanging out with you this year, I hope you can return :flower.

Awesome photos :thumbsup
I am surely glad you went for an adventure and got a new camera
it was well worth the while evidently…
Thanks for the great photo of Jess and I or is that Sarah???
Oh dear…

Lenny it was great meeting you at the fest. This is Chuck and we met at the Last Dollar Saloon with a shot of Jameson when the horse came riding in. Glad to hear your travels went well and you made it back safe and sound. Cheers! :cheers