Kindof a flurry lately but most stuff has been locked in while we await a few things.
But, my find festivated friends, you’ve been very patient; and, I do believe we’ll soon start leaking stuff to you guys.
Hmm… goodness… whoever do we start with? I know who I WANT to start with, only been trying to hire him for 30 straight years or so, but that might need some time to get the “ok”.
So, perhaps it will be something you should have expected by now, but, somehow, not in any of the “wish lists”. (of course, neither is the guy I most want to announce). Or, we could go with something easy, something that is probably obvious to all… like the !!! (lemme get warmed up here)
My heart rate just jumped a little when I read this headline. If ticket day in Dec includes the most stressful 20 minutes of the year, initial announcement day in Dec includes the most exciting hour of the year. All and all, makes for a pretty awesome month- not bad for 6 months away!!
Bela and Chick- they’re up to some pretty amazing stuff- even for them!
Neil Finn, Ed Sheeran, and Billy Boyd each did songs for The Hobbit trilogy soundtracks. Enya did songs for LOTR. But Ferg said what he was listening to wasn’t a hint …
To be fair, the only familiarity I have with Lorde is this cover by The Infamous Stringdusters. And that she loves my my next door neighbor from childhood.
I have to admit, im pretty much hanging out to see Greensky again too and oh wow, a Nightgrass is the ultimate but i do love the idea of them playing at Firstgrass too…i cant imagine NOT seeing them frankly . Its almist unthinkable…
Nope,i reckon you were right - i am putting money on Neil Finn. He is amazing. Thats my sure fire pick for 2016 ( although i admit, my track record is not that good), some of us live on hope
Come on Ferg, Christmas oresent time… :flower :wave
The clues limit the number of musicians, male who hasn’t played Telluride at least not in the last thirty years. Someone who Ferg has wanted to have for thirty straight years but not on our (or his) wish list like Neil Young. Maybe Leon Russell?