Ok ...the First Band Booked for The Camp Wander'In .....???????

These Guys Rocked the Shellman Stage

wait for it !!!

The HillBenders !!!


They should be the first up on main stage this year. THey were the winner’s of the competition last year. Cool Beans! They are great! :thumbsup
How about Gary Waller’s band? Are they going to try the competition this year?
:thumbsup :cheers :thumbsup :cheers
Keep up the good work! That was a great add last year!
What day going to do it this year?

And Your Point ???

Its Still way Early and I have a Cool Idea, That I have to get with the Other Camps on
But Maybe WednesDay …Mid Day kinda thang …Before RumBalls …
I’m Thinking
Opening with Singer/Song writer …The One and only Evil one Himself
Then Shanti Krew
then an Open Jam with FishBone and Family
Closing the Hillbenders
then we all Float over to The MAS*H Camp for Rumballs
what ya’ll Think ???

Only you can pull it off!
Sounds great! :thumbsup

Hey Ron,
I will definitely sing for a Vehicle Pass. Help!!!

Your on the List Brother !

any plans for some afternoon freaky Tiki sets? Sure do enjoy those and the toe jobs.

I have a couple of “ifs”
If Lala and Dayton can make it to TBF for the Festinuptuals,

If you could get either Sarah Jarosz or Tom O to sing at Wander in for them…

I’m Just sayin…

I could probably make that happen…

OMG OMG OMG :eek :eek :eek
You don’t know what you’re doing to me!!! Do you have any idea how amazing that would be??? Any Bluegrass band/musician playing for our wedding would be the most awesome thing in the world quite frankly, but someone like Sarah Jarosz or Tim O’Brien, at Telluride, I don’t know if we deserve such an honor, and if something like that happened I’d probably spend 24 hours straight just crying with joy!
I don’t even want to start thinking about stuff like that, it’s just too much…

Sorry, did you mean Tim O’Brien? Let’s see how the Visa thing pans out and then we can work on this. I think Fishbone has a connection to Sarah also.


Auntie Hope

Ya know, I have faith! :thumbsup We got her hooked up for a ticket last year, Brought her shelter, warm gear to make it through, introduced her to the folks she had met online and look what happened…met the guy of her dreams!
:woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo
There is help out there and it is going to happen! Faith!
Now all we have to do is figure out what part of the TP camp and a party! :cheers

If I can do something from GJ, let me know, but D.C. is going to be quicker, I think?
Government Shit!!!
Got my fingers crossed. praying erery night and listening to bluegrass every night! It is going to happen.
Fun part, when we get the word, it throws a ton of us into action! :huh
Looking foward to it! :thumbsup

Whoops! Yes I did mean TIM O’Brien! Not unless they would rather have Tom O’jones be there! :lol

ok LALA- DAYTON…you guys should know me well enough
IF you coming to Telludride…and getting Married ther ,

Im Gonna Rock your dare a say it … Your Fraking World !

much Love and congrats !

Thanks Ron :cheers
and yes, of course we know it’ll be nothing short of amazing! :medal
But there’s no guarantee we’ll be making it back to TBF yet…

…although… we do have tickets, and are hoping everyday that things will work out
and i believe that trusting in wanderin, jailhouse, and all the festavarian spirit, our freaking world will certainly be rocked!!!
nothing short of amazing indeed :talk :dancing