Even then they REALLY sucked, the Cubs were always able to draw thousands of fans to their games because of the Wrigley Field experience. The product on the field was just fine, but people came to hang out and have fun. That there was a baseball game happening at the same time was a bonus.
But then the Cubs didn’t suck. Suddenly getting a ticket at Wrigley was harder to get. I think that one reason was that baseball fans suddenly had a reason to attend. Baseball was the draw, with Wrigley as the bonus.
I think TBF is a lot like that. Thousands of us will show up for the experience, not really caring all that much who actually gets on the stage. If the product on the stage is just fine, we’re still gonna come to hang out and have fun. The lineup is a bonus.
But while a “fine” lineup will continue to be enough for me because of the overall experience, a less than stellar lineup won’t be enough to cause all music fans to consider attending. For these people, it’s the lineup that is the real draw, with the rest of the experience just a bonus.
In recent years, TBF has brought us the likes of Ry Cooder and Neil Finn - great musicians but not the draw that Robert Plant, Mumford, Lucinda Williams or David Byrne were. That’s fine with me - the lineup is a bonus. But without the big name draw, the less than usual ticket demand is understandable.
The fact that the Town Park / Warner tickets sold out fast but the 4-days didn’t just reinforces this. TP / WF is where the TBF experience manifests itself. I think i would even show up to camp there if there was NOBODY on stage. But the 4-day passes require a completely different experience, and a lot (NOT all) of these attendees will come or not depending upon the lineup.
The ticket demand can change immediately upon release of the schedule. One or two big names and suddenly TBF is once again sold out. This is why MOST of the major music festivals release a schedule BEFORE ticket sales begin. But by not doing that, TBF rewards people like me with the opportunity to GET tickets before a lineup announcement. Just think how impossible it would be to get TO / WF tickets had TBF announced Adele, Bruce, Elton, Dylan, the Dead or Phish before we vets had a chance.
Let’s see what happens when the lineup comes out. I have a feeling a big name or two might make TBF a much harder ticket, both this year and in the future.