Nightqrass Questions

Are the venues sitting or standing room only??

Palm is high school auditorium with seats, but lots of space to dance.

SOH has seats in balcony, but GA standing on floor

Moon = GA standing with bar stools

Conference Center = GA standing only

Any Night Grass charges yet???

Nothing for me yet. Waiting intently!

I came here hoping there would be a thread where people start posting if they got tickets. Just want to know when to start looking for emails or charges! Good luck everyone

Glad to know I’m not the only one already checking my bank account! Does anyone know if they wrap up the lottery (i.e. assign all tickets to owners) today? Or is it a multi-day process?

I wondered that myself…no clue. They say you will be notified by Wednesday April 17th at the very latest. Hopefully they do it all today

Ok. I’ll try to calm down a little about it! :lol It’s just my first TBF and I am anxious and excited (and really need a little more phoff in my life!)!

Thank you! :cheers

You always see the charges well before the actual email that goes out. The charges should be today, from what I remember from years past.

My first one too!


green board’d

green board’d?

I tried for 3 days of night grass…by my bank account I think I got two of the nights

You see charges? Congrats! Anyone else?

Edit: oops got my dates mixed up, lol

Well it IS Thursday April 11 :grinning:

Lol im dumb, hell of a week…

Looks like I got 2 nights also (which is what I was after). By the charge total and process of elimination, looks like Leftover and Rob/Trey. Was hoping for Lake Street Dive. But will take it :cheers

Even more scaled up “ants in pants” factor re: credit card holds for Phish lottery tix on the “green board”:

(I admit to looking sometimes, but haven’t yet for nightgrass)

Regardless, good luck :cheers

Ffeessttiivvvvaaaaallllll! I have charges too! :thumbsup