The post Mark Vann Leftover doesn’t even compare to the days when The Apartment was on drums, Tye North on Bass, and no one will ever forget Banjovi! Now that group blew my mind so many times I can’t count. When they first added keys they lost some of that original sound that was soooo awesome. We didn’t put in for GSBG nightgrass, as I took the advice of the forum and left those tix for folks who were already big fans. We went to the show last night as a test to see if we wanted to seek those out, but I think we’re good on the GSBG!
Australian Fan, my favorite Aussie is here in the states, and we are meeting up tomorrow. Can’t remember the town he lives in, but its out where they filmed the bar from Crocodile Dundee. Hopefully he’s bringing a stuffed drop bear for my son!!
I don’t say this to be mean, but don’t know how else to say it except to do so directly: It literally says 21+ on the Nightgrass page that describes those events. Maybe one of the Planet folks can clarify further, but it seems pretty clear that the Sheridan is the only venue that will allow under 21 with an adult from the way those events are billed on the Planet’s website.
Even though last year, both Bluegrass told me directly and said on webpage. we were not able to get our 19 and yr old sons into the Sheridan last year… was with both parents… Only show was Yonder at the convention center he was able to get into
Sometimes we all just need to be thankful for what we got. We all wont find Greensky tix. But they will be in the main stage. Maybe they will do something at Elks Park? How lucky we are to just be able to go to Telluride. How many folks would love to be here but cant due to health, financial issues, family responsibilities, etc… Us lucky ones get to spend a wonderful week with family, friends, and great music in one of the most beautiful venues on the planet.
Believe me, whether its GSBG or Salmon or not, I am thankful to have 10000+ friends.
Buckeye, speaking of Elks Park, will the schedule be announced prior to the festival or do we not find that out till we get there??
I think about the time they announce First Grass, about 10 days before. My guess is early June. Maybe someone else can be more precise.
Yes, usually. Lots of people head outside for a smoke. Many shows also have an intermission.
They’ll take your Nightgrass ticket and usually put a wrist band on or sometimes a hand stamp, depending on the venue, but re-entry is usually allowed
No, the all access nightgrass tickets did exist for a few years. Although they didn’t cover the Yonder Wednesday opener or the Sunday night show. Must not have needed sleep much those years…