Nightgrass Lottery

In my experience, that means all you got was two $30 (Palm Theater) tickets, unfortunately. I’ve had a wide variety of experience with the lotto … this year I put in for $290 and got a $220 charge, but last year I did about the same and literally pulled nothing. BUT, it’s one of the only ways for it to be fair. Keep an eye on those boards that TellurideTom linked to earlier once charges go through and people get notified; there will be people/groups who end up with too many for one show, but none for another, etc. Things usually shake out, but might take some patience and effort. I didn’t end up with my 2015 Greensky ticket until the afternoon of the show :slight_smile:


That’s a lot of nightgrass!!! :eek Just the one for me this year. That walk gets longer each time I do it. :wink:

And yes, once you see the charges hit, they’ve processed your submission. Like Zack said, be vigilant and you’ll find your tix. I got two friends into GSBG at 9:00 the night of the show last year. Things shake out!

We put in for Weds YMSB, Sat ER, and Sun Punch. Taking Thur and Fri off from NG as those will be our biggest full days at the main stage. Probably may not even hit the main stage on Saturday, except for maybe one show. Hoping for a great Elks Park day on Sat!

Yonder at the CC on Wednesday will be the easiest NG to get if you didn’t get that pulled in the lottery. It’s the biggest venue, and they don’t make very good trade bait vs. their show at the Sheridan, which do. So if you want to make that one happen you can count on finding those on the boards pretty quickly.

Sometimes, too, people buy a lot of Nightgrass tickets in April and then when the night comes have raged a little harder than they intended and don’t end up going, thus why you end up with people getting rid of tickets at festival. :slight_smile:

Skubes is right, Yonder at the CC is the easiest to get. Not a bad show, just have to make sure you don’t miss the 2 AM ganjala. Went last year because I had my 18 year old with me, and this was the only Nightgrass where you didn’t have to be 21 to get in. This year I see that the Sheridan shows will let people under 21 in if accompanied by a parent. Has that always been the case or is that new?

Beware! Last year, we were told by Bluegrass and it said when ordering that under 21 would be allowed with parent at Sheridan… But, at door, our sons 18, 20 were not allowed with us there even.

Thanks for the heads up, Debbie. This year, my 25 year old is coming with me, so we won’t have that issue. But if the policy for the Sheridan is 21+ only, PB should change the wording on the web site. See you all soon!

Just to clarify, The Palm is +21??? :huhIf so that’s going to change my plans as I have tickets to two of the shows and an 18 year old that won’t be able to get in. :frowning:

Got the PB e mail. No GSBG, so Pass Port, won’t have any tickets for you this year. But did manage to get Red Knuckles, which is just fine, since there is no Salmon Saturday night, we can get to the Sheridan early.

Yep, got email last night. Wednesday YMSB is what we got. Not going to complain, as its better than nothing.Time to call ER!

Just a PSA that this thread is likely getting deleted by the moderators…

So if you’re looking for a trade/purchase, probably get that thing up on the Nightgrass section of the Shop.

The main thread will remain intact, but any post that resembles a plea for tickets will be deleted.
All ticket requests need to be in the Nightgrass Ticket Exchange / Swap area of the forum, not in this thread.

Thank you for your adherence to the rules of the forum. :flower

Wow, everyone is going crazy over missing out on Greensky. I know I would feel the same way. I hope they get an extended set on main stage cause there will be lots of tears otherwise.

I don’t say this to be mean, but don’t know how else to say it except to do so directly: It literally says 21+ on the Nightgrass page that describes those events. Maybe one of the Planet folks can clarify further, but it seems pretty clear that the Sheridan is the only venue that will allow under 21 with an adult from the way those events are billed on the Planet’s website.

I’m glad it didn’t say it figuratively or that would truly make things difficult.

Zack, you and my wife can get together and commiserate about my continued lack at failing to read directions before jumping in. :thumbsup

Hahaha! All our wives could probably have a long party discussing failures to read directions!!! Thats great!

Saw Greensky last night for the first time. They were fun, and we totally had a good time, but as far as life changing, face melting, or absolutely blown away, I’ll say those feelings didn’t happen for me or my wife. We spent first set riding the rail in front of the mando guy, and second set in front of the sound board because as typical thats where it sounded best. I write music reviews and critique music for pay, my wife is a classically trained cellist, both of us play to no mastery level many instruments. Maybe we are to critical, or maybe we’ve just been blown away to many other times by bands more intricately accurate performers. The bass player needs to pick it up, and he even played way off beat in many songs. In my opinion its the Dobro player thats the special sauce here, and what really defines the sound they have. I will definitely catch every set of theirs at any festival, but I doubt I ever pay to see solo show again. Did buy some koozies, and stickers!

Ah. I think they sound much, much, much better about five or six rows in. I saw them pressed up against the stage and the sound was nowhere near as good.

They are perfect to me

Possibly due to a certain bloke on mandolin but I’m clearly the only person in the world who thinks that way :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

Yes the dobro player ( Anders Beck) is awesome

And seriously, no one will mind if you don’t go in the draw for Nightgrass next time cause we hopelessly besotted campers are all desperate to get our hands on tickets and that is one fewer in the lottery.

To each their own. They changed my life.

On the other hand, I’m not as crazy over Leftover Salmon as most folks seem to be…