Nicki Bluhm?

Well, what did you think? Its hard for me to think of anything other than praise for her and the band. Very nice folks too.

I thought she/they were great. There were moments that reminded me of late 70’s Fleetwood Mac and other times that were completely unique. For some reason they could not get their trailer behind the stage so they had to park in front of Town Park by the playground and haul their gear in. I stopped and chatted and they could not be more nice. Look forward to hearing more.

I was not expecting anything that good. The few recordings I listened to before the festival did not do her justice at all. She’s coming through Missoula in a few days and I can’t wait.

I was very impressed! Not only was she very good, but the rest of the band (including her husband?) were top notch. Loved Ravenous and Squeaky Wheel on which Tim Bluhm took the lead vocal.

Definitely picked up on the TBF vibe and made wonderful efforts to play to it. [As opposed to He Who Shall Not Be Named]

If you haven’t already, check out the van sessions. If you enjoyed their set, you’ll be happy you did. Fun stuff. Here’s one of my favorites to get you started:

“There were moments that reminded me of late 70’s Fleetwood Mac”

She and the band definitely know their roots. I get a strong Dusty Springfield / Bonnie Raitt vibe on the vocals. Instrumentally they range far and wide.

Whats that? You didn’t get enough? You Rocky mountaineers are in luck, the band is coming back in July for a bunch of shows, several of which are free. FREE? Darn tootin’ Aspen, Crested Butte, and Steamboat are all gratis. See the band site for the hot deets.

Why are all the bands wanting to tour CO these days? Must be the water?

ON FIRE! She is a powerhouse and love the way she can deliver a song. I really like that little crack in her voice. She is one to watch… :medal

I pretty much consider nicki Bluhm to be my surprise set of the festival. Truthfully I didn’t know what to expect never seeing her before. But surprise they blew me away. I have seen so many people really screw up the Janice cover. Its just my opinion but Nickie Bluhm flat-out nailed it! For me anyway i thought it was a fantastic set.