newbie "you've got to be kidding me" TP question

Here’s a last minute Town Park question I can’t believe I have to ask.

Someone from our group has a mid afternoon flight :flight out of Denver on Monday after the festival. (let it be known I did not book that flight).

I think I understand the Town Park arrival part:

  1. arrive :clap
  2. unload
  3. open liquid refreshment :cheers
  4. find campsite
  5. follow directions :whip

But I’m oblivious on the leaving part. I know most of it is in reverse order but what about if you have to leave early. As good festivarians we certainly don’t want to cause a ruckus early Monday so we might even have to break down on (gulp) Sunday (did I just say that?) (yup) and leave in the middle on the night. Here’s the question,

What about the car? We will be arriving early Tuesday so I expect we will not be parking close by. Will we be able to get the car and load up at Town Park in the wee hours Monday morning??

Oh :drive well.

What time is your friend’s flight? :8

I’m looking for a ride for one of my friends who flys out of Denver at 4:45 on Monday. :rolleyes

I’ll see to it that you have no car troubles w/ Town Park if you’ll take him, too. :lol

(but you shouldn’t have any either way)

Hi Dustin,

It’s my daughter and she has a 3:00pm fight to catch so that would work. (I believe I may have replied to the same question on Ride Share and there was one other person looking for a ride). We will be in a well packed minivan but there is always room for one (or 2) more provided comfort isn’t the highest priority.

We’ll have to connect somehow but count your friend in.

Ask around for me…I should be (((fairly))) easy to find.

Check your PM’s, too.

…and thanks. :cheers

WHHHAAAAAATTTT??? Someone “cause a ruckus” in Town Park early in the morning??? :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Do you mean “ruckus early in the morning” by the group who haven’t gone to bed yet and are still carousing and imbibing and making music, :cheers :rock :drunk :hop :band :hombre :hooch :budumdum
…or those who went to bed with earplugs in :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz and got up very early :coffee :coffee to make life more interesting for the first group???

You’ve almost got it right… I should probably read something like this:

  1. arise :clap if you’ve had time to sleep after the house band finishes
    1a. 3. open liquid refreshment :cheers
  2. load your gear, collapse your tent, schlep it to the road.
  3. open liquid refreshment :cheers
  4. find car
    4a. find designated driver
    4b. 3. open liquid refreshment :cheers
    4c. load car
  5. follow directions :whip
    5a. 3. open liquid refreshment :cheers

Repeat as needed.

:cheers :cheers

really now, you mean there isn’t a noise curfew??

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :woohoo :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :
Asking someone in Town Park to “quiet down”, “shut the #@^* up”, or “CUT OUT THAT BANJO MUSIC!!” are all considered party fouls. Bring those good wax earplugs. Musicians may get off of the big stage and come into Town Park and jam all night long!!!

If on the other hand someone in your camp gets out of control drunk and starts to leapfrog tents with folks inside at 3 AM, that is punishable by blasting said person with “I Was So Damned Bad Last Night” at 6AM the following morning and holding them to their promise to get in the tarp line (made earlier when their judgement was drastically impaired). But no one from Camp Flamingo would know anything about THAT!!! And nobody threw up in the bushes on the way to the tarp line!!!

:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :clap :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

noise curfew? no that’s rich!! :lol :rollin

Hey Y’all, the cheapest earplugs can be found in the airgun section of sporting goods at the local wall mart. They are orange and spongy. You get 12 or so for a buck69 or so…

A very good secret deal. Not many know 'bout them!

I actually know someone that is more woried about finding a “quite tent space” this year than setting up the Run-A-Muck KITCHEN! :lol :lol :lol

Anyone have a video camera!?! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

ya’ll, I think I need a symbol for “toung in cheek”.

So, I guess in the excitement of TBF, I too did not think about the consequences of leaving early on Monday morning. My flight is out of Montrose at 11:10 a.m. Will we be able to get out of Mary E. Illium campgrounds easily enough Monday morning? I was thinking we’d leave camp around 8 a.m. Will there be traffic jams and/or congestion getting out and/or when arriving the airport??

Thanks all… Only 10 more days!!!


You shouldn’t have any problems if you leave at 8:00. :thumbsup