Nashville Trip

I got back home Tuesday after a trip to Nashville to see my granddaughter and great grandson (although the original reason was to go to the Bluegrass Hotel show).
He’s just 4 months old, but wearing clothes for a 9 month old.
I had a good time regardless! :flower
Here’s some shots I took:

My Granddaughter, John Robert, and Me.

John Robert with a big smile.

Me and John Robert



Love it Tom, you lucky man… :thumbsup I wanna just kiss those sweet baby cheeks…

Mine, or my great grandson’s? :evil

Hey that’s Ron’s job :lol why yours you silly goose :lovedr :lol

That is one good looking kid :thumbsup

Tom was kind enough to stop by with the family so I could play with the Baby! John Robert smiles ear to ear when you kiss his cheeks. :lol And don’t be fooled by the pictures, that’s no baby fat! He’s solid as a rock, even at 4 months!

Now, Great Grandpa is another story. :evil :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Get an instrament in this kids hands ASAP! Great looking kid! Looks like someone to take over the Mayorship down the road! Look forward to hearing about all the tails when you’re back. :cheers

Reminds me of dinner in Nashville before they left…
There was a group of guys playing while we ate and his father was holding his hands and performing strumming/drumming motions with John Robert’s hands. He seemed to enjoy the whole thing and was into the music. :flower

Brother Tom
Those Pics are Priceless
brought a tear to me eye !

So cute, Tom! I can see the resemblance… Congrats again.

I can’t decide who looks happier, John Robert or Tom. :lol

Hey Gipper, photoshop a beard onto the baby so we can see what he’ll look like when he gets to be Tom’s age!

I have brought this request to Jen’s attention…let’s see what happens! :giggle

HEY! It’s a friggin’ blizzard out there! wOw!!! :eek

Glad to hear you had a great time Tom!!! Grats on the new addition to the family! :cheers

That would be just so wrong!

Then I guess the mayor is just gonna have to shave… :eek :eek :eek


And that will NEVER happen! :mad

He wouldn’t be the same without his beard. I aspire to be able to grow one like that :thumbsup