anyone recall the name of the maker of the jackets that had the integrated gloves and storage bags and belaclavas?
Loki. They are a company out of Grand Junction, CO.
whats a belaclavas
:pig BACON = KNOWLEDGE !!! :medal
whats a belaclavas
A tasty dessert I think…
…nah…it’s a face wrap for your nose/mouth area to keep warm.
It is indeed Loki. a friend of ours bought one of their jackets while at Fest. great stuff!
Oh but now you’ve got me thinking about baklava! so belaclava is just a fancy word for bandana? :horsey :horsey
Hey Mitch, I hope you’re still dancin! That was fun, huh. Wanna do it again, same time, same place, next year.? Yee-ha! :dancing :dance :drunk :woohoo
You know it Cindy Lou Who…who was only two… :wave