Mumford & Sons Nightgrass: Question about Non-Refundable

So, I’ve read the special rules about the lottery sale of the Mumford Nightgrass tickets: absolutely non-refundable, non-exchangable. I know this is an effort to keep the scalpers out of this fest, which all of us fully support. But (yes a but), my friend bought 4 nightgrass tickets for us this year and she can no longer attend. Would the willcall office allow a photocopy of her driver’s license to pick up the tickets? I completely get the need for policy, but I’m sure this isn’t the first time it’ll come up–plus she’s out $120!

Just thought I’d post for feedback.

thanks y’all,

Just curious…how did she end up with 4 Mumford tickets? :huh

Yes, I trust “she” has two, and someone else has two, and now neither of them can come? What part of “non-refundable” is confusing? Rules seemed fairly clear (and too strict) imho. :huh

Best bet would be to call PB directly and get their “official” verdict although the rules do seem clear…

sorry, typo. she has two. it’s legit. she just cannot attend and they are in her name. i get what non-refundable means; it’s the non-transferable that sucks. just want to use them is all. obviously that aint happening. i actually support a forced will-call, given what stubhub and craigslist prices are looking like right now for a 4-day town park. i just think there should just be some wiggle room in the transfer policy when someone can’t make it.

I get where you are coming from, but transferrable could lead to scalpable . . . and, in spirit, that’s what the policy is trying to prevent . . . none of my business, and I know plans change, but it sort of begs the question - if one wasn’t sure one wasn’t gonna make the event, why would one enter the lottery in the first place - now 4 people are screwed, the original 2 ticket holders and two others that could’ve gone if they had those tickets

I guess I am pointing out the obvious, and I’m not trying to be sanctimonious or self righteous here, but I just don’t know what issue there is to complain about . . .

I wonder why the tickets are “non-refundable”? The PLANET could fill another’s request from the lotto couldn’t they? :huh :cheers

More than likely, they’ll be given or sold to some ‘FOP’, friends of the Planet, or some VIP . . .

I would guess that moving down the list to the next person, notifying them, then processing the refund, a lot of work and processing that they’d rather not deal with . . .

On the bright side, if they go to waste, there’s a little more wiggle room for the folks that do make it.