Missing out is kinda a bummer...

Long story short: I started attending TBF in 2010, and was hooked. Got into trail running in the meantime, and over the years, started spending less time on the festival grounds, and more at Elks Park and up in the mountains around town.

Every year, I’d think the lineup seemed disappointing on paper, but I’d enjoy myself more and more every year. I’d find a great balance between exploring the mountains around town (I’m the green shirt in that video) and taking in some awesome musical performances.

Sometimes the most seemingly disappointing lineups turned out to be the best.

Unfortunately, for the first time since 2010, I wasn’t able to make it up there. I didn’t think I’d be that bummed about missing it, but I kinda am. It’s like an important tradition just died.

So, what’d I miss, outside of the return of Ryan Adams?

Um, it was pretty amazing! Biggest surprise was The Oh Hellos who rocked the stage - a 9 piece- who had everyone dancing. Houndmouth were awesome and Greensky KILLED it on Saturday night with Sam and Jerry joining them. Sierra Hull is an angel and Emmy Lou played all her hits…there was so much more but these were the standout moments for me…it was a beautiful festival