Mika the Wonder dog

Top of the fold on page A10 in todays San Francisco Chronicle!!!

This is soooo exciting!

Mika the dashboard dog - No Barking

She got a big bone for dinner tonight :flower


I didn’t realize that Mika was a Dash Hound!!!

And what a wonderful puppy she is!

Congrats on the pix in the paper!

Auntie Hope :pickin


Ah Yes…and this also makes me think of this particular song…

ok… sing in Techno Robot type voice…

“No Barking… No Barking on the dashboard!”

I crack myself up!

And in celebration of Wallace Stegner no less…good girl!!!


What a sweetie! :flower
It’s ok Connie, you crack me up too. That’s going to be in my head all day long. Love it.
Hope to check in tonight in the Hippie radio chat zone.

Wonder who else will pop in?


Yea Mika! I have a photo of her almost like that from our day in the Bay Area!
I’ll bring you a copy Jer’.
Give that girl a big hug from me! :medal