might make the drive

If I can get a ticket in march, i’ll make the drive from Louisiana. Will be solo. Will bring some abita springs and yuengling beer.

Make the drive, every minute, worth it! :burn

We’ve made the trek from East Coast (Asheville) twice. First time met my wife, second time we were festivating for a month on the road…with a week in town park. Yeh, town park is the best.

Tip - reach out to some local businesses and see about some parking in town. We found a lot right by town park and had easy access to the car for the week. If you do this, definitely secure parking far in advance.

And the first time I made the trip out there solo…one of the best times of my life.

The drive is just part of the experience. And keep an eye on the list for folks needing rides, that way you can share the fun.