Meeting all of you!

:wave There’s a handful of you fine festivarian folks I’ve been fortunate to meet thus far. But, I’d sure love to be able to put a face with a name. I’ll be the guy who is wearing punk rock t-shirts during the day, and silly stuff at night. The two genres of music that bring me the most happiness are Bluegrass and Punk Rock. :evil I know its kinda ironic. Thats why when I’m at Bluegrass shows, I always wear Punk shirts, and when at Punk shows I wear Bluegrass T’s. Anyway, we like to pick songs, cook food, and get loose. Hopefully we’ll meet up. We hang a giant tapestry of my profile pic at camp, so if you see it, please come say High! :cheers

I’ll be the one in tie-dye with a beer in my hand. Shouldn’t be too hard to find me… :evil

We camp across from the port o potties close to the waterfall in TP. Great group of Colorado locals took us deep southerners in and treat us like family. I have 3 bombers of Southern Prohibition Ragana set aside for the beer tasting. My absolute favorite porter. See you in a few weeks. Matt Thomas

I’ll be the drunk/high idiot at Run-A-Muck wearing tie dye…


That’s almost all of us.


Awww…I’m blushing.

Cross the bridge into primitive. Look for a bottle of Malört. You have found us. :hooch

I will be the only pirate in RaM! Probably not! I will be the one that appears to have married way over his head! :thumbsup

I’m the one in the cowgirl hat. Will be with Camp Duk Tape. Um, you will know me as soon as I say hello.

I have my Joy Division T-shirt on in my profile pic. My first festival 10 years ago. Grateful for the people, music, and mountains :hug I am usually hanging with my better half.

I’ll be moving around in a swirl of mysterious smoke most of the time, maybe you’ll feel the rush when I pass by. Or just look for the baton twirler and some monkeys running amok.