Mary E Ilium jams/picking?

2025 is my first time. Got camping passes at Mary E Ilium. Are there many jams at the campground? Or should I bring my banjo to town for jams?


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If you get to camp before Wednesday the 18th, you can bring your Banjo into the Town Park campground and easily find a jam all day or night. After the 18th you’ll need a TP wristband to enter. There will be jams in Illium especially at night, but it tends to get quite around midnight, and there are considerably less jams than TP. Mary E opens the same day as TP which is the Saturday before festival June 14th. If you can swing it, most folks will tell you to come for the entire time! That way you can explore town, hike, pick, and participate in the shenanigans that go on all day everyday pre-festival! Keep an eye here on the forum, as things get closer big camps will start announcing their daily events!!! Festival.


Thanks. I tried to get into TP, but didn’t. A friend from work went years ago and said Sam Bush came through his campground to jam at night. Said it was the best musical experience of his life. I’m looking forward to it!

Keep an eye out on the ticket exchange section. Town Parks will pop up as we get closer to festival guaranteed!

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