Lyons wedding venue suggestions?

Planning to get married the Wednesday before rockygrass. Anybody have suggestions for a beautiful and affordable venue near Lyons?

Too bad you’re getting married so close to Rockygrass… we rented the entire Planet Bluegrass grounds a few summers ago for our wedding. Can’t imagine a better place than that…

Oskar Blues has a pretty cool little venue, it was the old canning facility before they moved it into Longmont.

Yep - too close to the festival but bringing the whole family from Texas and Illinois and then staying at the festival for the first part of the honeymoon (with 5 kids…). Anyway, we have some leads but are still looking. Thanks!

There’s a pretty venue in Berthoud… that’s pretty close. Brookside Gardens. I attended a wedding there a few years ago. It was nice.


Check out the Lyons Farmette… it’s awesome and beautiful and in Lyons. And the owners are great people.

Good Luck and Congratulations.

Great option for getting the venues for wedding also provides good opportunities.