Looking for show downloads - Tapers help us out! Thx

Woah! What a ride I Tell u! I had such a great time and want to help relive those memories by listening to the show again. Looking for download links to any of the festival but particularly 18 South, Dave Rawling’s Machine, Momford and Sons, Sam Bush Band, Tim O’Brian Band, etc. Really, anything would be awesome!

Thanks everyone for such an amazing week!

give it time. Tapers need to get home, unpack, unwind, track the shows, then upload. They usually end up on eaither www.cotapers.org , www.tapers.org , or bt.etree.org.

I can’t wait to have the Crucial Country and Jerry Doulas sets on my iPod.

Hell yeah! thanks for the info! I’ll try to be patient.

ISO the House Band… even if it’s just the last song of the set.

Would love to hear Bela choke again on the stiff cock…tail!!!

Wow, who knew! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

I have to get a copy of “Take me out to the ball game” for my son who was fast asleep by that point of the Sam show. Top notch stuff!

It has been a few days now and still no sign on any of those sites mentioned… :frowning:

Anyone have any links yet?

I’ve been dying to transcribe Bela’s solo from “Sunset Road”…

It generally takes a couple of weeks for everything to be put up. Give the tapers time to get everything transferred and tracked out. Be patient, they always show up!

There is as a section of this forum where tapers post when the shows are available… watch that category… I am guessing it will be there first.


A few days is hardly enough time for a taper to process a weekend’s worth of recordings. Apparently it’s thankless work when they do, too, since folks seem to have some entitlement mentality as to obtaining copies of the shows. You’ll get what you get when it’s ready, and you’ll be very thankful for it, too. Pester them enough and the tapers will lock their files in a vault and you won’t get anything.

I know you’re ansty to hear it all again, but give the guys who (volunteer their time and energy and money to) do this a break. It’s tedious, time-consuming work to get it done right. How many of you out there have had 80-100 hours to perform thankless, volunteer work since you got home from Telluride?

Thanks to those who put in the hard work to record, process and upload live recordings. Sugarmegs has many good Tride sets from years past.

Just curious, do folks prefer audience recordings over the recorded KOTO streams?

Good question. The answer for me is “it depends.” I like a really good AUD tape over a SBD/FM recording due to the live feeling and the background noise of the crowd. It just feels more like I’m there. But a crappy AUD tape can’t hold a candle to a SBD or recorded FM stream.

Better find copies of both, huh?

A little reluctant to reveal my absolute ignorance, but here goes…

I want to get an MP3 player or IPod or whatever to download these killer shows to…is there any advice one could provide for a novice, either regarding what to buy or look for…and just checking, this will work, right? :huh

Thanks for any suggestions!
Ann :flower

You’ll download files to a regular computer (desktop or laptop) with a broadband connection. You will probably need a copy of a free program called UTorrent or Bittorrent to do that.

Usually, the files are in the FLAC format. After you download you can convert those FLAC files (via another free program called Trader’s Little Helper) to WAV files that you can make a CD out of. Or you can then run them through iTunes or several other programs to make MP3’s out of them for your iPod. Or you can just play them on your computer and feed your stereo from the headphone jack so you can turn it up to 11.

Go here: http://bt.etree.org/
Read the FAQ. Download the tools you need. Be ready when shows are posted.

A lot of the shows will be downloadable in MP3 Zip files. All you’ll have to do is unzip them and play.

As far as a digital music player, the bigger the better (IMO).

Normal turn around time for a single taped concert (roughly 2 hours) is two weeks. As mentioned above, this Festival is hours and hours of music to process. Let’s all just be a bit more patient. The tapers will come thorough in due time. They always do! :thumbsup

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

The tapers I know would encourage you to keep the files at as high a bit rate as possible when loading them into a portable music player. Not always practical with the size of some players. Get the largest one you can handle.

Had no idea there was such a large turnaround… thanks tapers!

I’ll have to listen to my new Mumford and Sons album to tide me over :smiley:

House Band Ahoy!!


I scored a cornmeal show I attended last August about 2 months ago. Sometimes they get lost in the shuffle and they pop up randomly months later.

Thanks Bevin, Matt, and John R.
I got me some readin’ and learnin’ to do, but I’m stoked to have these shows at the ready!
Appreciate the advice :flower