Hi! Last year I scored town park passes but wasn’t so lucky this year. We saw quite a few town park passes for sale during the festival last year so decided to just buy 4 day festival passes and skip on camping passes in hopes something would work out when we get to telluride. But now I’m having doubts! I don’t know how likely it is that I will be able to buy just camping passes without needing the festival ticket too. Wondering if I should just return my ticket before the return window is up at end of February!? I just don’t want to be in a position of getting there and not having a place to stay. I definitely can’t afford any of the Airbnb’s in the area. I’d love advice from more seasoned festivarians. Thanks!!!
So you have plenty of options:
If you don’t have a place to stay, you’ll want camping tickets. I can say with near certainty that if you are persistent by keeping an eye out here and participate in the resale, you’ll be able to scoop up Town Park or Warner Field tickets which include festival entrance for all 4 days. Same would go for if you decided to go for Mary E Ilium camping (these are still available for sale here) If you go these routes, you’d want to return your 4 day festival only passes before the deadline. Reselling those has been challenging in the past few years.
However, there are currently still Lawson Hill camping tickets remaining (these do not include festival entrance so if you went that route, you’d want to keep your 4 day passes.
Thanks for all the info! This is exactly what I was looking for. I appreciate the help