Looking for 2 Punch Brothers tickets - willing to sell 1 Town Park in exchange

Sadly, I was not able to get Punch Brothers tickets yet again. I am looking for 1 or 2 Punch Brothers tickets.

I will buy them without any trade of course, but I also have one extra Town Park pass that I am willing to sell to someone who has 2 Punch Bros tickets for me to buy.

Hope everyone else got what they were looking for!

I’ve already had one DM from a scammer (now suspended), but scammers please do not waste your time reaching out. As desperate as I am to see Punch Brothers, any exchanges will happen in person, via Planet Bluegrass, or through a protected Paypal transaction. Under no circumstance will I send a sketchy email with a brand new account on here money in an unprotected transaction.

Y’all be safe out there with these scammers. And help me find a Punch Brothers ticket, I beg. :sweat_smile:

Last year I brought the flowers and sign materials for Gabe’s final show farewell (if anyone here was involved/remembers), so my love for Punchies is very real and it is so important to me to be there again. :sob: