Look out for the new and improved Bike Corral!

Just a heads up, we have been working on improved bicycle parking for folks using their bikes to and from Meadow Park and such. There will be a bicycle corral as you enter the Planet Bluegrass Ranch. Please use these as opposed to locking up anywhere, it keeps things a bit more organized. It is always great to see so many bicycles about and we figured this would be a nice touch.

Peace, Love & Bikes…Ride On!

I rode past the corral this morning and I think it is a great idea. From up on the highway it looked a little small though. I’m wondering if you think we will be able to park in there with a Burly or if that would just make things too crowded and hard to get bikes out at the end of each day.

Should we pass on the corral if we are towing a trailer? If so is it still ok to lock up to the wire fence where people line up? How about the fence along the on-site camping but along 36 and outside the PB grounds?

Sometimes also we lock multiple bikes with one lock but the bike owners come and go separately, everyone knowing the combination. This was easy on the fence but I’m wondering if it will work in the corral.

These are just random thoughts and not complaints. Again I think the corral idea is solid.
