Live Recordings

Hello There,

What an awesome Rocky Grass this year :thumbsup
I was just wondering if anyone knows any of the tapers that were out there capturing all that music. I would love to get some of that up on so other people could hear how awesome Rocky Grass is. So if you know anyone send an email my way and lets spread some good tunes! :cheers

Take it easy,

Shows will start to show up at in the next few days.


Well, sorry if I have steered you wrong. I still haven’t seen anything RockyGrass up on cotapers. There is some great music up right now though. Hopefully something will go up soon. It seems like there was a bunch of stuff up already a week after the festival last year.

well, one of the tapers had to go back to his real job! But I am sure we will hear when the shows go up. … and I am pretty sure that they will go up at

dunno about cotapers. guess some post there, too. Makes sense.


Quite the blackout on show postings. Anybody see anything yet? Not to complain or grovel, but it seems like its been quite awhile with nothing at all posted that I have seen on cotapers, tapers, or etree. There were certainly many worthy sets. I have curtailed my recording as I have felt the festival was beyond well covered, but I guess I’ll have to get busy again next year.

With the music from Telluride, Rocky Grass and the now going on Folks fest- AND the addition of the tapers with “real” jobs I am betting that within the next few weeks that you will start seeing a larger selection.
We appreciate your dedication to the music and to us! Thank you!

I’d be willing to help with tracking and posting.

I have not seen anything up yet. Would love to get copies of Grisman’s set, and Marty Stuart.


Shiver me timbers it’s Talk Like A Pirate Day and still no recordings? Ye all should be keel hauled!
Well, I see the last TBF recordings are getting out on, so hopefully something will be forthcoming soon.