Line sitters

Morning from Telluride! Anyone interested in doing some line sitting to trade a low number for a 4-day pass and/or cash? Thanks! (Reply here or PM if you’re intersted!)

Searching for a “smooth handle” on this one, but admit defeat … yet without any judgement to OP, I would offer that such a proposition only serves to support an evolution to the randomization of numbers for the tarp run.

I know it’s controversial… truth is, I sat for years from 2:00am on… just cannot do it anymore! I wish I could…just tryin to get a decent spot for viewing for me and the fam…I ended up with an extra 4-day this year and have not been able to sell it, even below face… thought this would be good use of it. :cheers

Regardless of the “right answer” to the topic, I hope you have a great festival TBGF :cheers