Let's talk BEER!

All this beer talk made me get out my KOTO cup to drink my orange juice this morning. :cheers

Oh believe me, I’d move out west in a heart beat if I didn’t have so much going on here… :frowning:

Anybody have any idea how many kegs they go through during the festival? I have sat in line many times and have yet to see them turn off the taps - one glass after another glass after another … aw heck you get the idea. :cheers

I wonder what kind of goodies they will be giving away this year

I wonder what kind of goodies they will be giving away this year
Ya mean for getting stickers all 4 days??? What was it again last year - some kind of bell?

Alright…let me get this straight…

I get really really good beer, granted I’m paying for it but I can’t get it on the east coast so that’s okay, I’m listening to really great music, I’m hanging out with a good friend and a few thousand of my newest friends and they give stuff away…

So tell me what is heaven like…

Its Like Telluride !!!

That’s what I thought but just wanted to make sure.

Ya mean for getting stickers all 4 days??? What was it again last year - some kind of bell?
Last year was a Bike bell, the year before were those really cool hats :cheers

sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :thumbsup

hey I think I had fat tire in St. Louis . . . does that make sense?

pretty much anywhere west of the Big River from what I understand. :cheers

They have fat tire in 22oz bottles for sale in Chicago now at many bars and at the larger beer stores. Wikipedia says it started in spring of 2006. Still waiting on the rest of NBB’s selection.

Due to the wacked way liquor is distributed in Iowa, no Fat Tire here :kiss :kiss
Guess I’ll make due with this Fullers…

Forgive me for being so impolite… Air is on the left, Fire is in the middle, and Earth is on the right. Water was un-able to make it for the photograph. These are just a few of the puppets we opperate at High Sierra. You see only their heads. In full atire, these puppets are 16 feet tall and take 3 people each to dance around. Lots of work but lots of fun!

Oklahoma has the same problem as Iowa concerning liquor laws (no refrigerated transportation of alcohol or at liquor stores which is the only place other than bars that higher than 3.2% alcohol beer can be sold) so no Fat Tire here either. I decided that if I ever do become a political powerhouse that is the only issue I would use to campaign, so the chances of that are pretty much nil.

Iowa will have Fat Tire by the end of the year!!

Maineahh, you did have Fat Tire in St Louis. It’s a huge seller in the Lou!

Yup, gotta love it

Ahhh Final Brew day in the middle of my 90 min boil …just carbanated a Keg and I must say It Doesnt Suck !!
:festivarian :hombre :hop :hop :clap :clap :horsey

Oh and got ten gallons in the secondary !!
only casulty was a three gallon carboy that slip out of my hands …Full of water not brew

Still… a nasty cleanup if it broke! :eek

Wassnt bad our wash room has a industrail sink in it, one of the Deep ones
final hops going in , in 9 mins …