Yeah, I know. The Town Park tarp line is nothing if not controversial. And every year it seems to get more more so. And this year was no exception. All of us who showed up completely confused at midnight on Wednesday obviously really care about this.
So let’s do something about it.
But not now.
Let’s enjoy our new friendships, the excitement of finding a new artist to love, the fun of trying to explain to our non-TBF friends how important this festival is and how we could never, ever miss it, and our constant feeling of “can’t wait until next year” for a little while longer.
But this summer, let’s all put our festivarian thinking caps on and brainstorm some ideas of how to make the tarp line work best for everyone. Yeah, even my pea-sized brain has come up with a few ideas, so I’m sure that people with more smarts than me can come together on a great system.
So I’m proposing that we start a round-table forum topic that can include all the major Town Park camps (and loners, too!) to be a place to discuss POLITELY ways to make the line a totally happy place again! Start thinking today, but let’s really get after it in a few weeks. That way we can have time to fine-tune the plan, get consensus for it, present it as a courtesy to Planet Bluegrass and develop an “official” set of rules.
The biggest part of the confusion was trying to create new rules so late in the game that it was impossible to implement.
A lot of the camps were left out of any discussion on the subject including the entire Warner Field and Planet Bluegrass.
Making schedule changes last minute cannot happen when volunteer schedules are defined six to eight months in advance.
Those camps that put forth the most effort every year to get the spots they want should not be forced into being at the end of the line, and those newbies should not miss out on the opportunity to be down front.
It’s a slippery slope, but we can as adults come up with a plan that will work for all.
Over the next six months we should put forth a combined effort to produce a documented procedure we can all work with and post it in the cloud for all to comment on.
Let’s work together for a peaceful solution. :thumbsup
I’m sure the big camps wouldn’t like this idea. But, what about limiting the tarp size to 5x7 per person? We fit 4 people comfortably sometimes 5 or 6 on one. Just saying we were front row every day going small. If everyone went small you could tetris the tarps in much smoother and happier. Big groups would just need a few extra runners, then it would also be fairer for the smaller folks. Just my two cents take it for what its worth! Hugs!
As a first time TBG Festivarian (3X Rocky Grass) I didn’t think it was that bad. Disclaimer here: I’m an old guy (in body) and my boys handled both getting the numbers and running each day. We scored some low numbers and the guys are experienced and can move fast at need; we had nearly the same spot each day. It seems like the system rewards those who get up early and play the game, which is not unfair.
I will say there was confusion as late as Wednesday night as to what the process was going to be. What we had been told made no sense. What actually took place I thought made sense.
Obviously, I think, the ‘system’ can be designed to reward whatever Planet Bluegrass and the community want to reward. If equity is favored, give out the numbers randomly. If determination is favored, give the numbers out in rank order to reward the folks who want to sleep in line. Etc, etc.
I do not think the system of leaving the chairs in the same order as they were placed the first night (as was done for the Town Park/Warner Field lineup) makes any sense at all. If the goal is to have the tarp runners have basically the same number day after day, then just give out numbers the first night and be done with it. As it was, the chairs were in line, and the runners showed up sometime between 5a and 6a and plopped down waiting to get their number.
I’d argue that a reasonable middle ground would be to require the line to be dismantled each morning, only to reform at 12mn the following night. Which would of course lead to a lineup somewhere to get to the 12mn lineup . . .
Maybe PBG could incorporate a 5K into the tarp run every morning - let all the runners start at the same time down in the valley somewhere . . .