Late-Arriving Family Help?

Dilemma: Looking for a kind and generous soul to lay a tarp or put out some chairs for an RV and a tent. I’ll happily offer gifts in exchange; good beer, good food, a good neighbor. Heck, I’ll even throw in a nice didgeridoo, if that’s your thing.

Background: We’ve been dreaming of the TBF for years, and decided that this year we would go ahead and break the bank doing it. Airfare for 4 kids and 2 adults was financially out of the question (also, a logistical nightmare for packing all of the necessities). We miracled a vehicle pass and rented an RV, and are leaving Ohio the earliest we can possibly manage for our work schedules (we’re both small business owners), which means full-throttle will get us to Telluride sometime Wednesday afternoon, the 19th. It feels a bit pretentious coming in an RV - and somewhat over-complicates things - but, alas, the kids and the distance do tend to complicate matters.

Thanks, Festivarians! So excited to join in the festivities!

Just be sure your RV is less than 24 feet in length, or you may be rejected at the gate, and that would make your trip even worse.
The camp host should be able to direct you where to park your RV as they sell a limited amount of vehicle passes for Town Park.
You’re lucky you got the gold ticket. :flower

Thanks so much, TellurideTom! Our RV is exactly 24 feet long, which PB listed as the limit. And YES, we feel so lucky and have been humbled by everything that has come together to make this trip happen. Still a bit anxious about finally getting our chariot parked, but I trust the PB folks will have that figured out. (Maybe I got a bit desperate to have posted for help… )


Hey Matt,

You did just fine, this is what this forum is here for. You are coming in late with a vehicle and it’s good that you realize that could be an issue. If you can get someone to save a space, that’s great…but it gets more difficult to actually save a space as time goes by.

What I will try and remember to do is to let the new camp host know that a 24’ vehicle is due in Wednesday. They will help and they will have an interest in finding a spot that still allows for emergency vehicle access to all parts of camp.

Once you get there, time will go by so fast, you’ll understand first-hand why everyone tells anyone to arrive sooner.



Thanks, AAA. I will remember, for 2020, that the TBF Prelude is just as important as the Festival itself! :cheers Please find me sometime Wednesday and we can share a quick beer!

Make sure to catch the First Grass show up at the top of the gondola at 5. It’s free and its gonna be great! Also Rumballs at the MASH camp before that is the official kick off!

TBF is still like a foreign language to me, but I’m learning! Is the First Grass show on Wednesday? So, we’ll park that afternoon and take the gondola up (?). And MASH camp . . . I’m guessing we’ll see signs or people stumbling out of it! :lol

Yup firstgrass is Weds starting at 5.

So here’s the plan:
Park your RV, get set up.
At some point between Noon and 3pm you’ll hear quite the commotion coming from the Bear Creek area. Head up the path toward the waterfall, hang a right down the path to MASH which will be on the right. Lots of folks milling about. Bring a cup. Indulge in rumballs. Around 4 head to the gondola to head up to mountain village for firstgrass!

Done and done.

I forgot about your car Matt. That will need to get parked up where firstgrass is. You might want to just park short term somewhere depending on when you get set compared to rumballs. Then just skip the gondola ride and drive up, park, first grass, gondola down. Remember to bring another layer.

As The Wiz said, follow the path straight up from the main campground into Bear Creek. Ron and I are on the first left in camp Duk Tape, the Wiz is up at the corner to the right of the waterfall in camp Trailer Smash. Come by and say hi!

Back to prepping. See ya soon,
Paul :cheers

Town Hall (The Mayors camper) should be set up in site #21 when you pull into Town Park.
You’ll see my “Telluride Tom” sign hanging on the back of the camper.
I’ll offer you your first beer when you arrive to set up you trailer. :cheers

You are all amazing! :flower

Mayor Tom - We will definitely stop by and say hi, first thing!

Pass Port - No car, just the RV. :blush: Rumballs it is. We’ll plan to walk through Duk Tape and Trailer Smash, after we settle in, to say hello and have a beer. You’ll know me because I’ll be the guy with the 30 lb 10 month-old weighing me down (and three smitten big brothers close behind).

UPDATE: I saw another post about FirstGrass, and someone was wondering about the possibility of Josh Ritter showing up because he’ll play Tuesday night in Mt. Village. Well, my wife has now gotten wind of this, and I am fearing for my life if I don’t get us to Club Red on Tuesday night. She adores Josh. So . . . Looks like we’re scratching the anticipated stops in St. Louis and Kansas and now considering doing two 10+ hour days of driving to get to Telluride on Tuesday night BECAUSE I LOVE MY WIFE AND WOULD DO CRAZY THINGS FOR HER. (***She is not standing right behind me as I type this giving me threatening looks.)

If you feel you’re in danger, the signal is two winking emojis…safe travels

You will find town park more interesting than the big ball of twine in Kansas and worth the extra long drive.

I’ll bring 2 bottles of Winking Emoji Bourbon and we will smoke the big ball of twine on our way through. :burn

Yeah that Josh Ritter show is going to be awesome. My wifes favorite songwriter too. We have tickets and will be going. 10 hour days aren’t that bad. When I used to do trips like that with little ones, we’d keep them up later than normal and then get up around 3-4 and leave. They’d be excited for an hour maybe, then crash out and finish off that 10-12 hours of sleep giving you a good 5-6 hours before any long stops are required. Good luck, god speed.

And I always thought the danger signal was croaking like a crunchy frog!