kinder gentler line for tarp run?

I read on an email ticket:

LINE POLICY -Because we have had many complaints about the overnight line to
get into the show, we have established a new policy in hopes of creating a
kinder, gentler, more Festivarian-like entry each morning. Please see for line policy and rules.

However, I can’t seem to find this. PB would you reply here or give me directions to finding this info on the website? Thanks!


Whoops - looks like I may have found it in a post: tarp line policy. But I hope not… because I don’t see anything different about it from past years. I am interested, how is this altered to make it kinder and gentler?

With much appreciation for all your efforts to manage the mass of festivarians!


I believe they mean kinder and gentler than when there were no numbers handed out and you had to wait in line ALL night to be up front.

…or the numbers were being given out at a truly random time at any given point during the night.

Nothing has changed about this year’s line policy from last year.