ISO Housing Options for Thursday & Friday night.

Hi there! :wave

My band was able to fill a last minute slot that opened up for the band competition! Hooray! Dream come true! This will be my 18th Telluride and it happens to fall on my birthday this year! Double YAY! :cheers

However, because it was so last minute, we are having a difficult time finding affordable housing. We are SUPER respectful, clean, fabulous all that other jazz that makes a good house guest. We will clean your toilets! We will cook you dinner! Not necessarily in that order…but anything for a spot to sling our sleeping bags. We’re happy to pitch tents, or sleep on floors.

Buying a full camping pass for only two nights isn’t an option, since we’re on a pretty tight budget and will only be purchasing tickets for Saturday if we actually make it in the finals.

Any bright ideas are greatly appreciated!