ISO 2 Warner Field Tickets

Anyone know Rhonda? Short 2 tickets to Warner Field!

I have (2) Warner Park Tickets if you want to purchase them. $585.00 each.

I have been a volunteer at the festivals for numerous years, name Rhonda Bauer, always found in the Country Store.

We can use VENMO or PayPal to pay and then utilize See Tickets to get the tickets to you.

Hi Rhonda from my understanding the see tickets won’t be ready to use for a few months. I read the process is still to utilize planet bluegrass. Correct me if I’m mistaken!

Yeah, that is what was just reading today. I live in both Littleton and Colorado Springs. Where are you?

Of course we can utilize Planet Bluegrass process. It would be something new but sounds very doable.

I’m in Denver

I keep thinking like my other experiences when I had tickets in hand. So…we can utilize the Planet Bluegrass process. Seems easiest to me. (these tickets are yours, so please don’t worry)

Great! Just to confirm these are at Warner Field? When are you available to call Plant Bluegrass in the next few days? I can coordinate to call immediately after. Thanks!

Yes these tickets are for Warner Field. This week is more than hectic, so plan to call Planet Bluegrass early next week.

Also could you keep your ears open for a Vehicle Pass for Town Park. I’m headed into back surgery in 4 weeks and our camper would be better than a tent for my back.

I can do that! I’ll ask around! Thanks Rhonda! Let me know when you call planet bluegrass!

Hi Rhonda, will you have a chance to do call this week?

Rhonda wondering if you will call this week? Haven’t heard from you

I would love to buy these tickets!

Sorry my festival friends. I had back surgery early February and am finally getting my mind together without medication. I will be contacting Planet Bluegrass AND SeeTickets to see what transfer options are available.

IF nothing easier is available, then I will definitely be in contact with you when wristbands come to me and since I work in Denver, will meet up with you to pass the wristbands to their rightful owners – YOU!

Here is additional information about the transfer options: 2025 Ticket Transfer Process Information