Isn’t it time for the big tease to start?


knock knock. :flower

See he loves this stuff… :festivarian

Killin me

Ferg, you’ve made me feel like some sort of minor celebrity; however, I’m now worried that Peter Rowan might not be making an appearance! The way musicians have been dropping like flies in recent times, sometimes you really don’t know what you have until it’s gone! I can’t see Sam or Bela not attending, and likewise re: Chris & Yonder … otherwise, not sure who the missing stalwart will be?!?

Re: 4 of 7, I’ll go with:

Alison Krauss
Elephant Revival

Look forward to the return of Salmon and learning about the headliner.

I suppose I was a bit jaded when I made the post, so going to have to walk that back a bit … even the Grateful Dead and remnant incarnations had a “formula” per se regarding setlists and such. It really doesn’t take much to predict songs if you’ve been paying attention to the prior days’ setlists. And just because Sugar Magnolia is high in the rotation, doesn’t make it a bad song.

Likewise, I’m sorry if I had inadvertently rained or drizzled on the “tease parade” for those who like to follow along … especially for someone such as Australian fan who has allowed the festival to allowed to flow into her blood and has traveled halfway around the world to make it happen.

I do believe the TBF is unique in regard to the core “certainties” bringing different configurations over the years, and especially in regard to the collaborative configurations that seem to arise every year among the inner circle. You don’t see that at any of the other festivals in Telluride.

And this space is getting hot! Seems like every month we loose another one. Suppose I’ll make a pitch here to see about extending an invite to Dave Nelson, who has been battling some serious health issues in recent tims … but has seemed to have turned the corner for the better. Not sure if he’s ever played the TBF, but I’m sure that Peter would play with the DNB!

I can’t see Elephant Revival being there this year. That would be two years in a row, which is quite rare.

Hi Sug! :wave I hope you’re wrong! I sure do love their sound. Very unique…two times the charm :medal

Will you be in attendance? :cheers

Of course. I wouldn’t dream of missing out.

They are blowing up, and will be the darlings of the fest. Both their Nightgrass and main stage shows were amazing last year. Plus they are putting out a new album with a wicked producer this year.

David Nelson would be awesome! It has been so nice to see him back out and doing what he loves recently.

I LOVE your predictions FOM but I’m swapping Elephant Revival for Emmy Lou in that list to make the four.

Now that would make me very, very, very happy

Ok, am I right Ferg?


Cannot wait to see you all again. :wave

sleepy, crusty eyes, no coffee yet, turn this thing on find my way half asleep to the Forum and WHAT! WHAT!

We got nothing…

Elvis is pretty hard to book this time of year, hua Ferg :flower :hug :cow

Dweezel Zappa finally go him hua?


For Certain:

Sam B
Bela F
Jerry D
Edgar M
Tim O
Peter R
Chris T
“YMSB” (Wed @ Conference, Fri @ SOH, Sat @ TP late afternoon) & no Jeff Austin presence are all "lock

I’m wondering if the “wrong” 1 of the 8 Certain’s is the “no Jeff Austin” part?

I certainly would be nice to see Emmy Lou, Af! … especially if Alison Krauss was also in the house, but I suspect it’d be one or the other. I really have no idea though.

Was also considering this possibility, but am thinking this might be the “whisper” part of the clue … and Rockygrass will serve as sort of a “measured reintroduction” of JAB back into the PB realm. Which I think is a great thing for everyone - on all “sides”; perhaps serving as a foundation to build upon over time if that’s what the cards have in store.

Patience grasshopper

:wave Ferg wanna throw out a line? :flower

Still time to fish :fish :fish :fish

Merry Christmas :kiss :vibes

Oh who cares this is too much fun. :medal But really I have heart burn. The Eagles???


So here is one scenario. What if Yonder cannot make it this year, and that was what Ferg was whispering about? So then you replace Yonder with Greensky at the kickoff show Wednesday night. That way, more folks get to see GSBG play.
Was listening to last year’s GSBG set, the jam on Breadbox with Bryan Sutton was outstanding. All you GSBG fans should do yourself a favour and download last year’s set.

Patiently waiting here in Ohio. :dog :dog :dog
Buckeye Dog

Now you’re speaking my language!!! Three sets…ooooh, that’s fun to think about. :love :lovedr :love

It would be truly epic!

Tease, schmease I am beggin pretty please.

1 hint Ferg. Just do it! :lol


Buckeye! You have truly become the biggest tease! You KNOW exactly what Skubes and I will say to that.


Three sets of my very favourites, I truly could live with that, merry Christmas indeed


Sugar would never miss Telluride!