Is RV parking available for TBGF 2022?

Can anyone tell me if there is parking options for small teardrop trailer (18ft) ? The ticketing page says Lawson Hill RV (28ft max) but cannot find any other details online.


Howdy! Here’s a description of each of the campgrounds:

In short, you have a few options:
*Town Park has very limited vehicle passes and are typically unofficially reserved for those with mobility/health issues or with young children. They’re also extremely coveted and you’re quite unlikely to get one.
*Lawson limited vehicle passes (intended for RVs specifically) but they’re expensive and can also be a challenge to acquire.
*Ilium is probably your best bet because it’s only $70 and far easier to get than Lawson.

Here’s an older post about Lawson vs Ilium:
And some somewhat related info on RV parking at Lawson:

Hope that helps!

Website says tent camping only at Lawson

Contrary to this page:

PB could improve a bit upon information consistency but I assure you, there will be RV camping at Lawson in 2022.