Introducing ... Velvetina

You know, Hooch, Velvetina would be a comfortable place to sit in the tarp line. Might be a problem during the run, though. We could always carry her in and enshrine her at Utarpia!

Velvetina came with wheels as original equipment!!! No Worries!!! :thumbsup

Am I the only one who sees several scantily clad gents with palm fronds and grapes? That could be a great way to get to the correct tarp spot.

Great Minds Think Alike, Your Courtness! :lol

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

Mtn is here
and So Wronged !

Actually you have it reversed ladies… It should read :quote scantily clad women, palm fronds, and grapes. :quote

:flower :clap

Now you’re talking Jerry! Add a foot slave and we’re talking ultimate festivation!

To each is own, whatever palm front rocks your boat. :cheers

It is my chair and it’s strictly OFF LIMITS to scantily clan men! Palm fronds or no!

If I could waterproof her then she’d be the perfect festi chair because she passes the “not tall enough to roll a basketball under” criteria. But carrying her during the tarp run…herniated disk for sure.

Do I have to explain everything :huh The scantilly clad men simply carry the chair with me sitting in it, also scantilly clad in goddess attire and in my dream, I’m thin so there. I almost had this dream come true at a school fire drill, now that’s a good story…

Well don’t stop there, finish the story. :flower

It’s too long, in person - in person.

This red Velvet throne ranks higher than Velvetina!

Maybe the “Original Velvetina”!!!

har har! chuckle chuckle

Connie, how dare you suggest that this mere stage prop is superior to my Velvetina??? Do not be fooled by cheap fake velvet chairs!

Hey, what are you calling cheap and fake? I actually saw the Planet’s carpenter HAND MAKING that throne!

As soon as Hooch can sit on his throne, sing like Solomon and claim 21 children, then Velvetina may become as royal as Brother Burke’s throne. Until then… Court Jester at best.

xoxo R

Can I get a “WOOT - WOOT” for Rhonny!!! :thumbsup :cheers

WOOT - WOOT :horsey :horsey :horsey :horsey :horsey Love her wit. :flower

And the fun continues!