In need of some helping hands

So…It’s been a whole year since my relocation to Denver…lease is up and I’ve got to move. I scored a GREAT deal on a house just 2 blocks from where I am now (I can see the house from my balcony!)
Soooooo…Here’s the deal… The house was left in disarray by the former tenants and part of my great deal is that I get to do part of the clean-up…oh joy! There is a lot of crap in the house that needs to go into the trash.

Here’s what I am asking/needing : I am hoping that on Sunday the 19th we could gather at the new place to grab and throw all the crap that is in the house out! I need to be able to get inside and start cleaning so that I can move my stuff in. I would gladly BBQ (maybe cookies too???) for any helpers.

I am also in need of certain household items and asking for donations!
I need : silverware/lamps,lighting/throw rugs,carpeting…that’s all I can think of for now.

Please e-mail me and let me know if you can give me a hand or donations.

Thanks soooo much to my Festi-Family for everything you do and are!

Love You ALL!

I don’t get to Denver till the 21st. :rolleyes

who is going to help this girl out? :flower

And Connie don’t forget to offer beer if you want a bunch of help :cheers

Congrats on the new digs :thumbsup

:wave I’ve got some cutlery I can send… knives, forks and spoons… Send me an addy.

Oh … … and Connie… how come you turned up in my dreamscape last night???


OK…BEER! :cheers