At the big pull out with “scenic overlook” sign - just to the south of the Alta Lakes turn off. So if you’re planning on arriving between those hours, as it stands, I would suggest going through Illium (past Mary E) and pick up 145 on the other side of Telluride. You’ll definitely be going 15 minutes out of your way, but at least it’s a near certainty vs. possibly much longer wait times.
The Colorado Department of Transportation will be temporarily closing Colorado 145 south of Telluride on Wednesday of this week so that a semi truck and trailer can be pulled up from the scene of a crash earlier this month.
A tow company will be pulling the vehicle up onto the highway Wednesday evening, from 6 - 11 p.m. The vehicle crashed at approximately mile point 66 about five miles south of Society Turn roundabout and near the Ophir Pass Road curve earlier this month.
The five-hour recovery operation requires a full closure of the highway because of the steep grade of the slope at the crash site. Traffic will be allowed through only intermittently and motorists may want to consider avoiding the area, traveling earlier in the day or postponing travel until the next day.
Motorists are urged to watch for signage, flaggers, workers and heavy equipment at the recovery zone.