I just bought 2 Town Park passes!!!!! on planetbluegrass ticketing

Get them while you can :thumbsup :evil :thumbsup

T-ride here i come again

That’s awesome news!! (Andy, right?)
Can’t wait to party it up again this year… TOWN PARK STYLE!!!
:cheers :bubbles :pipe

you are correct, and yes we will! from lawson last year to town park this year. Have Phish tickets for Deer Creek>Alpine and have been trying to figure out what to do. Well, now my mind is made up. Phish will have to wait tell the Gorge! :evil

Plus Cheese playing a show in Denver the next week… did I say that out loud yeah, its happening, going to be a good couple weeks in colorado!!! :thumbsup

Don’t tease me like that… Sooo not nice!! insert shakin finger smilie here

Do you know who within TP that you’re camping with yet?


oh, don’t mind me, that was just the sound of my husband and me falling off the couch. please resume packing and getting ready to festivate. :lol

also, hi, andy, i can’t wait to meet a fellow cheesehead!