How's Your Whole,Family?

This little ditty that the house band played Sunday night cracked me up big time. It was penned by Red Peters who brought the world many other off color tunes.

I bet it was Sam’s idear.

here is a great clip of the red peters version!!!

Awesome! Thanks for the link, Gunny!!!

That was a great House Band set!!!

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

How is your whole… family?
How is your dic…ation machine? (HOUSE BAND SKIPPED THIS ONE)
Take your pants down…to the cleaners today.
Can I do your as…trological chart
Suck on a stiff cock…tail with me
Won’t you blow me…a really big kiss
Eat a bowl of shit…take mushrooms.

I got it on tape! :thumbsup
I pretty much filmed the whole thing! It’s all there! :slight_smile: Enjoy!

  • Åsmund (The Naughty Norwegian) - Watch for the Norwegian flag next year! :wink:

I love the look on Belas face. Priceless! :medal