Hot Springs & Skinny Dipping

Don’t Mind Erndog…
We aren’t all as crazy as him, really.
But Don’t miss out on the Parties…they are awesome!

She’s right… Erndog is harmless enough. He wouldn’t be Erndog if he didn’t at least make the suggestion.

xoxo R

sarcasm meter = broken :rolleyes

Hey Rhonny Hon !
which duktape thread is the 420 ???
BIG HUGS and booty pinch

I am sure there is a term for being overzealous in the Festivarian dictionary,
Runamuck is a clothing Negligible Camp we don’t care what you wear as long as you
are there… :cheers

Wear what you want, as long as it’s not a G** D*** purple sparkly shirt!

Karl will be the one in the velvet jumpsuit, with those shoes that are curly on the end.

Aren’t we getting a bit off topic here . . . . . .

isnt that what we do best …we are all A.D.D.

Woah, woah, just hold everyhting … purple and sparkly is not accepted? What kind of camp is this?
Next thing you know you’ll be outlawing men in wemon’s clothing!

yeah what she said I looked Damn Good in a Lace white night gown
and red thong …
oops I went There !

It’s this one my pony-tailed friend…,2843.0.html

Also… I’m not sure which counts in my favorites…

Ron in his white nighty as The Blushing Bride
Josh in diapers as Young Buck (I got to put those on him!)
Zeb in that pink satin number as Petunia Pig
Let’s not forget Dwayne in that saucy little dress and fairy wings…

Oh yeah baby…

xoxo Rhonny

and then there is Harris Pilton,
…and Zim as the Lion Queen!

is this where I should post the packing list :lol

and there was Eli in “that outfit” , I’m not sure what to call it…LOL

And, the “boy toy”… I don’t know that person’s name.

Sure. We’ve got 1.8 miles to service :slight_smile:
How about the ultimate hot springs packing list?

Get thee to Orvis! I was there yesterday and have quite a nice tan started with no distracting tan lines.

All the rivers and creeks are swollen right now. Still a heavy snowpack up high. I’d stay out of that swift running snowmelt. Might freeze off some precious parts just before you get swept away for good.

Did I mention how glorious it is to be here???

Great to hear from you Jess !
Ahhh to be soaking at Orvis mmmmmm
hey Jess do you know what campsite
Courtney and Jenn are at
punchy wants to know
Thanks and Love to all

This one is easy Towel to dry off sunscreen for the slightly lighter parts

ummm…they’re over there…just past Tom’s tent and the big tree. I saw their spot. It’s lovely :flower

ok now I know your impaired
how about a site #?
later when your sober if you remember

Wouldn’t Courtness head for the normal “Camp Get Enough” spot? The one by Kent? (hmmm… I wonder if Kent is there this year? With his lovely wife and little rugrats. It’s like Christmas morning, isn’t it? Seeing who’s back and who’s MIA?)