Homebrewers Get Together

Any further word on if/when this is happening?

I just started brewing but am hoping to have a batch of something I’m okay with by Festival. Even if I don’t, I would love to hang out with more seasoned brewers to pick some brains.


Nothing new since I announced the official date/time.


Musta missed that one! :cheers

Hello, Just checking in to see if there is enough brewers coming to make this happen. I will be bringing a Brown Ale, some 4 1/2 year old mead, and some Root beer. What does everyone else plan on bringing?

Hell yeah, this is happening. I’ll bring an IPA, French Ale & a 7 year old sour raspberry stout! Also a couple of real special commercial treats (hint - begins with “W” and rhymes with Festvleteren).

Hey Fellas, :wave
As a long time HomeBrew attendee I am a fan.
But this move to a slot that has long been the Town Park Cup slot at High Noon on Weds is not cool. :rolleyes
Camp Run a Muck has hosted this event now for 8 long years. :medal

Please respect our time slot and adjust to a new time slot. Please & Thank You… :flower
Sincerely da Guv’nah :pipe

Hey A J - I don’t know much about the cup. What is it, and how long does it last?

HOMEBREWERS - Take this survey - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/565B856. It will tell us when the best time to move this to, if we can move it.

Gee I really you would have mentioned the bad timing sometime before the WEEK before the festival. We Started this 6 months ago. In fact NO ON AT ALL has ever said anything at all about this up until now.

With all respect to A. J. it’s too late now to change plans.
The time and date was decided upon months ago and to change it now would limit those coming from afar to not attend or bring their wares for us to enjoy.
Not all festivarians smoke weed.
It’s not like having the beer tasting is going to have an impact on the cup.
Last year we didn’t have a beer tasting event, so if it conflicts this year I’m sorry, but it’s only this one time.
Next year those involved can plan ahead to be there on Tuesday next year.

Only problem I see is too much beer…oh wait…

I’m participating in neither event but the Cup has been at Wed, High Noon, since it’s inception.

This is bowling- there are rules.

I’ve never heard of this “Cup”, but I’m definitely intrigued. What exactly transpires at this event? You know, besides the obvious consumption and enjoyment of the devil’s spinach. I’m very aroused! :green

Here’s an idea - is there any reason why we can’t do both at roughy the same time at the same location? I’m familiar with the homebrew tasting, but not the cup. It doesn’t seem like either are firmly structured events that can’t be run at the same time. They’re typically held in the same area anyways, yes? Why not combine them? Tom, can you weight in here? I feel like we need someone to just put their foot down and end this silliness.

He announced the official time date and place and then replied that it was too late to change, so Im thinking he is all weighed in.

I agree ^. I know it’s a “home brew” event, but if no one objects, I’m planning on bringing a keg or two of some organic beer that my friends brew at a small local brewery to share. i would like to participate in both events and i think we could easily make it a joint event.

If not y’all should try and find me at the cup, as I don’t want to lug kegs to illium and back. I’ll be the one giving away yummy beer!! :slight_smile:

I would like to go on record as NOT objecting!

He announced the official time date and place and then replied that it was too late to change, so Im thinking he is all weighed in.

Ah, so he did - I don’t know how I missed that. Seems like it’s settled! I’ll be there at noon!

…A “joint” event indeed :wink: :medal :wink: :medal

Its like bread and butter, peanut butter and jelly, Jerry and Bob, LEGOS. They just go together so well! Cant we all just hang together?

I’ve was thinking the same exact thing all day at work^^^!!!