:thumbsup Nice! The Northern Brewer is right next door to my office here in Mpls. http://www.northernbrewer.com/
So of course, I’m on the bandwagon and brewed for the first time last week. Bought the NB EPA kit but used Cascades that we grew @ the farm in Wisc. So excited to see how it turns out! :cheers
I’d love to have a trade/tasting with fellow home brewers. I’ve been to the Home Brewer’s conferences and had an amazing time there; but I cannot think of anything better than meshing this brew fetish with music lovers. Oh yeah…I’m a “festivirgin,” did I say it right? :lol
I plan on brewing a lager and a Basil Saison and maybe finally bottling up the mead I’ve had sitting around for a bit.
Completely agree with you HuckinFappy!! :cheers But all is not lost! :thumbsup I have some mead already set aside. It will be 4 1/2 years old by TBF. It was great last year, should be fantastic this year.
Haha, based on the reaction so far, maybe sitting on it a little longer…
On another note has any festivarian/hombrewer used P.E.T. bottles with any success? At least pertaining to the campgrounds that do not allow glass? I’m staying in Warner.
Now i don’t have a vested interest here, since I don’t even drink anymore. But as a man who used to show up with a couple hundred gallons of homebrew, I’ll say “don’t do it!!!”
Seriously…just make the investment into a soda keg setup, and take your beer anywhere you want.
If you guys want to bring your wares to Town Park we could have it at the same time we traditionally have done in the past.
The Tuesday before festival at noon. :cheers
Rather than have one of the camps host it, as was done in the past, we can just hold it in the “picnic area” next to to main bathrooms in the campground.
Are you game? :wave
The Telluride Brewing Company has volunteered to host this little get together. :thumbsup They are checking the legal side to make sure it’s ok. But they are very open to the idea of having the home brewers get together at there place. :cheers
That sounds like fun and a good idea. Not to look a gift horse, but…speaking strictly as a consumer and not a home-brewer, how open are they (if the legalities allow) to coming to our place? (Town Park)
Yep Tuesday afternoon. The last one I attended was close to the Restrooms in Front of Wanderin’ and Tuesday is a pretty slow day, leads right inot the Oyster Feed at Run-a-Muck! Just need an easy up and some beer drinlkers! :cheers
Good News, the Telluride Brewing Co. is looking forward to being our host for this. :cheers I am driving out from Nebraska on Tuesday, picking up some riders along the way. So there would be little chance I will be able to make it for the event if it is held on Wednesday. Would it be to much to ask to schedule this Wednesday? I sure would like to attend.
As much as I love TBC, and their willingness to “host” a FestiBrewGrass shindig, I’m of the belief that if it’s not held in the TP campgound, it won’t be well attended. (I know I don’t drive anywhere until Monday postfest) I will be be on the lookout in the months to come for the best plan, but Wednesday Noon at the party yard in TP would be a good plan, imho. :cheers (then a quick nap prior to RUMBALLS! and FirstGrass! or not…)